Japan America Society of Colorado


Business. Education. Culture.

JASC Events & Info


Support japan earthquake relief efforts

Join us in extending a helping hand to those affected by the recent Noto Peninsula Earthquake in Japan. Click the button below to reveal a list of various reliable channels and organizations. Explore these options to make a meaningful impact through your support. Every contribution counts, and together, we can make a difference.

先日発生した能登半島地震で、被災地へ義援金を送る手段を提供している、信頼性のあるリンクをまとめました。この地震で影響を受けた方々への支援の一環として、ご協力いただける組織やファンドのリストです。詳細は下記ボタンでご確認いただけます。 皆様の温かいご支援に心より感謝申し上げます。

Our mission

The mission of Japan America Society of Colorado is to expand people to people relationships between Colorado and Japan by serving as a bridge to connect via business, education and cultural opportunities. Click here to learn more about us.



updates from the jasc office
