Membership Levels & Benefits
JAPAN AMERICA SOCIETY OF COLORADO expands people to people relationships between Colorado and Japan by serving as a bridge to connect via business, education, and cultural opportunities. Japan America Society of Colorado (JASC) is a 501(c)3, non-profit organization that facilitates the exchange of ideas and understanding of business practices critical to financial interaction and economic development in both countries through a variety of programs, workshops, lectures, classes, and cultural events. JASC also provides opportunities for educational and social enrichment, and works with local schools at every level to promote mutual understanding among our future business and community leaders
General Membership Levels
General Membership includes:
Corporate Membership Levels
All levels of corporate membership include:
Discounts on all JASC sponsored events - and some of our partner organization events
Advance notice and reservation privileges for JASC sponsored
or co-sponsored classes and events
Subscription to the “members-only” E-newsletter Kakehashi,
which announces Japan-related job openings that we hear about, current Japan-related events and news throughout Colorado, member updates, and more!
The best opportunities for networking with others in Colorado who have a mutual interest in Japan
Invitations to several “members-only” events & specials throughout the year
Notification of cultural events to connect with Japanese art, customs, and traditions
Best opportunities for CO-Japan networking
Invitations to cultural events
Discounts on JASC sponsored events
Advance notice and reservation privileges
Lectures / seminars on U.S.-Japan relations
Subscription to Members-Only e-newsletter
Job-postings and announcements
Why Join the JASC?
Corporate organizations join JASC to network locally and internationally with professionals and companies who are interested in Japan
JASC provides access to connections, education, and referrals to help businesses in Colorado develop or improve their relationship with Japanese companies
Corporate members of JASC are able to take advantage of network resources to help guide their companies to form a successful relationship with Japan and other companies doing business in Japan
Corporate members use their membership with JASC to demonstrate their support of Japanese business, education, and culture to their counterparts in Japan
Corporate members have the opportunity to speak, sponsor, or advertise at major events, promoting their company as a global leader in Colorado
JASC is a member of the National Association of Japan America Societies and uses those resources to bring high-level programming to Colorado
two adults with special recognition
two adults and al children under 18 residing in the household
one adult
certified educators
JET Alumni
JET Program alumni
with valid student ID
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