Level 2 Study Guide

Level 2 Study Guide

Welcome to our new Japan Cup study guide! Here are a few tips on how to navigate this resource:

  1. All of the bullet points with red text are links to information or practice (like the one in our next point)

  2. Start with our sets on Quizlet

    • There is a lot of information in this study guide, so use the Quizlet to find which sections you need to study and which sections you already know well

    • Remember that everyone translates a little differently. So for the translation questions, if your answer is close but not exact, count it as correct. Just make sure you understand the grammar focus

  3. [Links in brackets like this are included in the previous level too]

    • If you have already used the study guide for the previous level, you can skip that link

  4. Make sure you understand what’s included in level 2 before trying to learn the extra information

    • Many of the links provide more information than what will be included for the Japan Cup Level 2

    • This is another reason to review our Quizlets to know what will be included and what is extra information

    • Some of the links include a (Note:) which gives more direction on what to study within the link

Make sure you understand the concepts from level 1 because they will also be in level 2 :)

Let’s study: べんきょうしましょう!


Table of Contents

  • *Please note that in addition to the kanji listed below, other kanji and kanji compounds of a similar degree of difficulty may be included during the competition.

    Specific terms that may appear in kanji-related questions:

    1. おんよみ:The on’yomi of a kanji is the modern descendant of the Japanese approximation of the Chinese pronunciation of the character at the time it was introduced. It is often used with the kanji compounds.

      • Example: 「ちゅう」is the on’yomi for 「中」

    2. くんよみ:The kun’yomi of a kanji is a reading based on the pronunciation of a native Japanese word that closely approximated the meaning of the Chinese character when it was introduced. There can be multiple kun readings for the same kanji, and some kanji have no kun’yomi.

      • Example: 「なか」is the kun’yomi for 「中」

    *Level 2 competitors should know the following kanji, kanji compounds, and common words associated with each in addition to the kanji listed for Level 1

    Level 2 Kanji

    半 毎 曜 週 年 今 来 行

    人 出 食 飲 話 聞 書 見

    会 帰 男 女 私 名 好 国

    語 町 元 正 休 近 遠 暗

    空 力 多 少 言 牛 買 読

    売 寺 字 前 後 間 火 水

    木 金 土 車 洗 早 友 体

    天 気 雨 雪 犬 明 手 足

    魚 子

    Level 2 Sample Compounds

    今週(こんしゅう)・ 木曜日(もくようび)・ 外国語(がいこくご)

    帰国(きこく)・ 遠足(えんそく)・ 空気(くうき)


    午後(ごご)・ 体力(たいりょく)

    Level 2 Sample Words

    明(あか)るい・ 入(はい)る・ 多(おお)い・ 間(あいだ)

    後(うし)ろ・ 正(ただ)しい・ 売(う)る・ お金(かね)

    近(ちか)い・ 洗(あら)う・ 体(からだ)・ 早(はや)く

    出(だ)す・ 少(すこ)し

    Level 2 Place Names

    Major Japanese Cities

    東京(とうきょう)・ 京都(きょうと)・ 大阪(おおさか)

    横浜(よこはま)・ 名古屋(なごや)

    Major Japanese Islands

    本州(ほんしゅう)・ 九州(きゅうしゅう)・ 四国(しこく)


    Major Oceans & Seas

    太平洋(たいへいよう)・ 日本海(にほんかい)

  • Level 2 competitors should know the below idiomatic expressions often used in Japanese language in addition to the idiomatic expressions for Level 1.

    1. くびをながくする

      Literal Meaning: to lengthen one’s neck

      To eagerly look forward

      • Ex. さむいふゆがおわり、はるが来るのをくびをながくしてまつ

      • I'm eagerly looking forward to spring after cold winter.

    2. あたまにくる

      Literal Meaning: something comes to one’s head

      To get mad; to lose your cool

      • Ex. しん友にうそをつかれて、あたまにくる。

      • I get mad because my best friend lied to me.

    3. 口がかるい

      Literal Meaning: one’s mouth is light

      Having a loose tongue; being talkative; speaking without thinking

      • Ex. かれは口がかるいから、言わないほうがいい。

      • Don't tell him. He's got a loose tongue.

    4. 水にながす

      Literal Meaning: let flow in the water

      To forgive and forget

      • Ex. あなたはあやまりましたし、私はゆるした。だからこのことは水にながそう。

      • You apologized to me and I forgave you, So let’s forget about the thing in the past.

  • Level 2 will focus on Gisei-go, which are sounds made by animals and humans, although we will focus on sounds made by humans since animal sounds are covered in the katakana section. Questions can include the examples below and other words in these categories.

    1. Being lectured or nagged by a superior: ガミガミ

    2. A cheerful, loud laugh: アハハ

    3. A child crying loudly: ウワ-ン

    4. A surprised scream or shriek: ウギャー

    5. Chuckling like you have a secret: ウフフ

    6. Chatting about frivolous things: ペチャクチャ

    7. Muttering so other people can't hear you: ゴニョゴニョ

    8. Speaking a foreign language fluently: ペラペラ

    9. Clearing your throat for attention: オッホン

    10. Laughing quietly, unable to hold it in: クスクス

  • All competitors should know various animal sounds. These can be written in either hiragana or katakana, but katakana is more widely used. Examples are given below.

    Roar (Lion) = ガオー

    Buzz (Bee) = ブーン

    Tweet (Bird) = チュンチュン

    Meow (Cat) = ニャーニャー

    Moo (Cow) = モーモー

    Caw (Crow) = カーカー

    Woof (Dog) = ワンワン

    Quack (Duck) = ガーガー

    Fox sound = コンコン

    Ribbit (Frog) = ケロケロ

    Neigh (Horse) = ヒヒーン

    Oo oo aa aa (Monkey) = ウッキー

    Squeak (Mouse) = チューチュー

    Hoo (Owl) = ホーホー

    Oink (Pig) = ブーブー

    Cock-a-doodle-doo (Rooster) = コケコッコー

    Baa (Sheep) = メーメー

  • Level 2 competitors should know longer katakana words in addition to shorter ones expected at Level 1. Some examples are given below.

    スパゲッティ ・ spaghetti

    ハンバーガー ・ hamburger

    アイスクリーム ・ ice cream

    バスケットボール ・ basketball

    (インター)ネット ・ internet

    ケチャップ ・ ketchup

    チョコレート ・ chocolate

    バドミントン ・ badminton

  • Below are the given categories and topics for 2025. Helpful resources are listed for each sub-category.

    Events, Art & Culture from the Muromachi Era: Competitors should know major events, figures, cultural discoveries, literature, art, etc.

    Geography: Eight main regions of Japan

    Society & Daily Life: Aisatsu (greetings), national celebrations, public holidays, annual events, etc.

    Popular Culture: Anime, manga,movies, pop stars, movie stars & famous sports figures

    Current Events: Events in Japanese politics, society, economics, and international relations from the past 6 months

    Other Useful Websites:

  • Click here for Level 2 Grammar Accuracy Study Guide


This study guide is made up of links from other websites that have provided thorough explanations and helpful practice!

Thank you to the following websites for providing the information in our study guide:

Keep these sites handy for your future Japanese studies!