Level 3 Study Guide
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Remember that everyone translates a little differently. So for the translation questions, if your answer is close but not exact, count it as correct. Just make sure you understand the grammar focus
[Links in brackets like this are included in the previous level too]
If you have already used the study guide for the previous level, you can skip that link
Make sure you understand what’s included in level 3 before trying to learn the extra information
Many of the links provide more information than what will be included for the Japan Cup Level 3
This is another reason to review our Quizlets to know what will be included and what is extra information
Some of the links include a (Note:) which gives more direction on what to study within the link
Make sure you understand the concepts from levels 1 & 2 because they will also be in level 3 :)
Let's study: 勉強しましょう!
Table of Contents
*Please note that in addition to the kanji listed below, other kanji and kanji compounds of a similar degree of difficulty may be included during the competition.
Specific terms that may appear in kanji-related questions:
おんよみ:The on’yomi of a kanji is the modern descendant of the Japanese approximation of the Chinese pronunciation of the character at the time it was introduced. It is often used with the kanji compounds.
Example: 「ちゅう」is the on’yomi for 「中」
くんよみ:The kun’yomi of a kanji is a reading based on the pronunciation of a native Japanese word that closely approximated the meaning of the Chinese character when it was introduced. There can be multiple kun readings for the same kanji, and some kanji have no kun’yomi.
Example: 「なか」is the kun’yomi for 「中」
*Level 3 competitors should know the following kanji, kanji compounds, and common words associated with each in addition to the kanji listed for Levels 1 & 2
Level 3 Kanji
父 母 兄 姉 弟 妹 家 族
自 朝 昼 夜 安 新 古 東
西 南 北 春 夏 秋 冬 教
室 高 校 勉 強 店 屋 所
料 理 色 赤 青 白 黒 音
楽 運 動 便 公 園 番 号
顔 頭 市 習 風 暑 寒 酒
度 使 作 昨 歌 絵 員 引
花 森 思 寝 起 長 横 京
回 着 決 持 初 期 待 同
肉 飯 神 親
Level 3 Sample Compounds
新聞(しんぶん)・ 早起(はやお)き・ 歌手(かしゅ
東西(とうざい)・ 酒屋(さかや)・ 親子(おやこ)
教室(きょうしつ)・ 習字(しゅうじ)・ 市長(しちょう)
作家(さっか)・ 北風(きたかぜ)・ 学期(がっき)
店員(てんいん)・寝室(しんしつ)・ 勉強(べんきょう)
夜食(やしょく)・ 期待(きたい)
Level 3 Sample Words
同(おな)じ・ 教(おし)える・ 楽(たの)しい
動(うご)く・ 思(おも)う・ 強(つよ)い
運(はこ)ぶ・ 習(なら)う・ 着(つ)く・ 音(おと)
初(はじ)めて・ 待(ま)つ・ 起(お)こす
着(き)る・ 決(き)める
Level 3 Place Names
Major Japanese Cities
福岡(ふくおか)・ 札幌(さっぽろ)・ 神戸(こうべ)
広島(ひろしま)・ 千葉(ちば)
Major Japanese Regions
関東(かんとう)・ 近畿(きんき)・ 関西(かんさい)
東北(とうほく)・ 中部(ちゅうぶ)・ 九州(きゅうしゅう)
Literal meaning: to be so busy that one would even welcome the help of a cat
To be desperate for any help
Literal meaning: a relationship between dogs and monkeys
The relationship is beyond repair; to fight like cats and dogs
*In Japan, dogs and monkeys are though to not get along, similar to cats and dogs in Western cultures
Literal meaning: tears in even a ogre’s eyes
Even the hardest heart can sometimes be moved to pity
Literal meaning: the mouth is the origin of disasters
The mouth is the gate of misfortune; carelessly spoken words lead to misfortune
Literal meaning: to pour water into the ear of someone sleeping
To be a complete surprise; out of the blue
Literal meaning: a prayer to the Buddha into the ear of a horse
To share your wisdom/opinion with someone who doesn’t appreciate it; to share something valuable with someone who cannot understand/appreciate it
Literal meaning: a lump above your eye
Something or someone who gets in your way or on your nerves
Literal meaning: the eyes are as eloquent as the mouth
You cannot always trust what others say
Literal meaning: three years on a stone
Even if a stone is hard and cold, if you sit on the stone for a long time, it will become warm after three years. So perseverance and patience will always bring good results one day
Literal meaning: the fish that escaped was the biggest
Every missed chance seems better than it may have been
Literal Meaning: even a monkey can fall from a tree
Even experts can make a mistake
Level 3 competitiors should know the below idiomatic phrases often used in Japanese in addition to the idiomatic expressions for Levels 1 & 2.
Literal meaning: to lower your head
To acknowledge the exceptional effort/work of others; to take hat off to another
Ex. あの人のどりょくを見ると頭が下がる思いがします。
Watching that guy work, I really have to acknowledge his exceptional effort.
Literal meaning: to have neither hands nor feet
Unable to do anything, to feel handcuffed, to be at your wit’s end; to be out of your control
Ex. 昨日のしけんはむずかしすぎて手も足も出ませんでした。
Yesterday's test was much too difficult; it was completely out of my control.
Literal meaning: to have a wide face
To be well-known, to have many contacts of a large circle of friends
Ex. 山田さんは、かおがひろいから、だれかいい人をしょうかいしてください。
Yamada-san, you have such a large circle of friends; please introduce me to many nice people.
Literal meaning: my ear hurts
An acknowledgment that someone’s criticism of oneself is indeed correct
Person A: いそがしいっていつも言っているけど、むだ話をよくしているじゃないか。だから、しごとがおそいんだよ。
Person B: いやあ、みみがいたいな。
Person A: You say you're busy, but you waste your time chitchatting. That's why it takes you so long to get your work done.
Person B: You know, you’re right. You got me there!
Literal meaning: to feel as if your hair is being pulled backward
A feeling of reluctance; to leave one’s heart behind
Ex. 三年前に、りょう親をのこして東京に出てきた。その時の後ろがみを引かれる思いは今もわすれられない。
Three years ago, I moved to Tokyo and left my parents behind. To this day, I still can’t forget the strong feeling of reluctance I had to leave them behind.
Level 3 will focus on Gion-go, which are sounds that do not originate from humans or animals. Level 3 competitors are also expected to know the gisei-go listed for Level 2. Questions can include the examples below as well as other words in this category.
Thunder rumbling or a boulder/rock tumbling down a hill: ゴロゴロ
Lots of heavy rain pouring down: ザーザー
Cloth lightly flapping in the wind: バタバタ
Strong, continuous, and cold wintry winds: ピューピュー
Water scattering, slashing forcefully: パシャッ
Water bubbling gently: コポコポ
Suddenly bursting into flames: メラメラ
Crispy, specifically crispy food: サクサク
Something small or light quickly rolling (down a hill): コロコロ
Running at full speed: タタタタ
All competitors should know various animal sounds. These can be written in either hiragana or katakana, but katakana is more widely used. Examples are given below.
Roar (Lion) = ガオー
Buzz (Bee) = ブーン
Tweet (Bird) = チュンチュン
Meow (Cat) = ニャーニャー
Moo (Cow) = モーモー
Caw (Crow) = カーカー
Woof (Dog) = ワンワン
Quack (Duck) = ガーガー
Fox sound = コンコン
Ribbit (Frog) = ケロケロ
Neigh (Horse) = ヒヒーン
Oo oo aa aa (Monkey) = ウッキー
Squeak (Mouse) = チューチュー
Hoo (Owl) = ホーホー
Oink (Pig) = ブーブー
Cock-a-doodle-doo (Rooster) = コケコッコー
Baa (Sheep) = メーメー
Level 3 competitors should know abbreviated katakana words in addition to those types expected for Levels 1 & 2. Some examples are given below.
スマホ ・ Smart phone
リモコン ・ Remote control
コスプレ ・ Cosplay (costume play)
コンビニ ・ Convenience store
アニメ ・ Anime (animated film)
プロレス ・ Professional wrestling
カーナビ ・ Car navigation (GPS specifically for driving)
パソコン ・ (Personal) computer
セクハラ ・ Sexual harassment
パワハラ ・ Power harassment
ファミレス ・ Family (friendly) restaurant
エアコン ・ Air conditioner
デジカメ ・ Digital camera
プリクラ ・ Print club (photo booth)
Below are the given categories and topics for 2025. Helpful resources are listed for each sub-category.
Events, Art & Culture from the Muromachi Era: Competitors should know major events, figures, cultural discoveries, literature, art, etc.
Geography: Eight main regions of Japan
Society & Daily Life: Aisatsu (greetings), national celebrations, public holidays, annual events, etc.
Popular Culture: Anime, manga,movies, pop stars, movie stars & famous sports figures
Kimura Website
Current Events: Events in Japanese politics, society, economics, and international relations from the past 6 months
The Japan Times Website
Other Useful Websites:
Kids Web Japan Website
Click here for Level 3 Grammar Accuracy Study Guide