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JASC Executive Director Claudine Locascio Receives Commendation of the Consul-General of Japan

On September 4, 2024, an unforgettable ceremony took place at the residence of Consul-General Yoichi Mikami in Denver. During this special occasion, the Commendation of the Consul-General of Japan was presented to Claudine Locascio, Executive Director of the Japan America Society of Colorado (JASC), recognizing her exceptional contributions to strengthening the bonds between Japan and Colorado.

The commendation ceremony celebrated Claudine’s unwavering dedication to fostering mutual understanding, friendship, and cultural exchange between Japan and the US. Mr. Derek Okubo, President of JASC, along with Claudine’s family and several members of the JASC community, were in attendance to witness this milestone achievement.

Following the ceremony, Consul-General Mikami hosted a reception in honor of the Japan America Society of Colorado, further solidifying the importance of the ongoing partnership between the Consulate-General and JASC.

The Commendation of the Consul-General is a prestigious award given to individuals and organizations that make significant contributions to promoting public relations, cultural activities, economic development, and diplomacy. Claudine’s recognition is a testament to her hard work and the collaborative efforts of the entire JASC team.

This commendation is an important milestone for JASC and reflects the strength of the society's mission to bridge cultural and economic ties between Japan and Colorado.

Read more about the ceremony and this special commendation here.